I always tell my pregnant ladies to take care of the fetal movements, the fetus should move around eight to 10 times in the entire 24 hours. Follow these tips –
eat something, eat sugary things, eat sweets, lie on the left side, drink water, drink juice, wait 2 hours, lie down comfortably, the fetus does not roam, you should consult your doctor urgently. Listen to your fetus’s heartbeat and be relax.
Why am I afraid? Why so much? If the fetus moves less then there is definitely some reason. However, sometimes we become anxious in three to 4 hours. Ladies come to me in stress that- “Doctor the fetus has not moved for 2 hours, after doing all the tips that you have told me !
Many times when we tap on belly, even if the fetus is sleeping, then he wakes up a little and you feel the movement. So always tap the stomach, apart from this, eat, drink, sleep, yet do not feel it, come immediately, what can be the reason? See, one may be that pregnant ladies who become mothers for the first time, do not have experience of fetal movements. Many times our muscles are very tight in the first pregnancy, even then we do not feel the movement. Secondly, ladies do not know that this flicker we are feeling is an actual fetus movement. They think maybe there is gas in intestines, which is a very common problem. Sometimes amniotic fluid is large so the fetus moves in that water, due to which the abdominal muscles do not get the hands and feet of the fetus. It expands so much that they do not feel that the fetus is moving or not, so this is common reason for the fetus’s movement to feel less.
If the fetus is less than normal weight. Normally, the weight of the fetus in nine months is three and a half kilos. When we have seven months, normally all the fetuses weigh one kilogram. At the end of the eighth month, normal fetuses areabout 2 kg, so even if our fetus weight is growing less than normal, you will feel less movement of the fetus, because if our fetus is a little weak, then our fetus will move less. in addition to this If the water around the fetus is low. First I told you more, now I am telling you that if there is less anti-amniotic fluid around the fetus called oligohydromnios the fetus is not able to swim completely. Even if he does not get the fluid needed for the movement of the fetus, then he moves less, becomes sluggish, in that condition we will feel less movement of the fetus. In addition to this Even if our fetus is upside down, breech or abnormal position, we do not feel the movement so frequently.
Apart from this, if our blood pressure is higher than normal, then fetal movements are less. If our sugar is abnormal or diagnosed with diabetes mellitis then the fetus can be heavier than normal because the weight of the fetus has increased, he gets less space, then the movement is not free. If we have cholestasis which means a liver problem, in that condition our fetus loses some weight than normal. These patients, are not able to give full blood to the fetus many times. Because of which the fetus can pass meconium or stool in the stomach, which he can drink later, then his movement will be less than normal. This is an indication, immediately come to the hospital, we hear the heartbeat of the fetus if it is more than 160, then this is the indicator that we should get delivery immediately. If we have twins in our stomach, even if we have two fetuses, both fetuses keep pushing each other. All are common indications when your fetus will move less but you have to keep in mind that if the fetus passes meconium in the stomach, you have excessive fever, chronic diarrhea, your nutritional status is also less than normal, due to which if the fetus gives less oxygen, less nutrition, even then the fetus comes in distress, because he does not get complete oxygen and nutrition.
If fetus passes meconium, even because of long-term distress, because he drinks it, then he is not healthy, then he gradually reduces his movement. That is why pregnant ladies keep asking mother and aunt daily that the moment is happening, isn’t it? So she is alert and keeps in mind that eight to 10 movements are happening in the entire 24 hours. If not, go to your doctor immediately. You can do sonography or CTG is a cardio tocography machine, which we can put on the stomach and see the fetus’s heartbeat, the movement of the fetus. I also do sonography and see for 5 minutes whether the fetus is moving or not, I also show it to the patient. She is also relieved.
Even if you don’t feel it, we give you intravenous fluids. Daily you are given a intravenous glucose fluid, if you do not have sugar problems, a protein fluid drip is also given. Apart from this, we give packets of protein sugar so that if you drink it, your fetus and you get full energy and his movement start normally. Take care of kicks and movements, sleep on the left letter, sleep on the left side, feel your fetus by listening to music comfortably. Talk to her so that the bonding of mother and fetus can be formed from the beginning. And also make a healthy bond with your doctor so that you can ask all these questions to your doctor continuously.
Stay Healthy Stay Positive.